Join the James River Ringers for our summer Sight Reading & Score Study workshop!
Do you wish you were better able to quickly sight read new handbell music?
Would you like tips for reviewing new music, spotting and marking key information to ring it better your first time through?
Would you enjoy a morning of ringing and hearing new music compositions, and taking that music home?
Are you a director interested to read and hear new music to possibly program for your handbell group?
If any of these are true, you'll enjoy our summer Sight Reading & Score Study workshop, while meeting other like-minded handbell ringers from the local area!
In this Sight Reading and Score Study workshop, participants will learn tips for score study, marking, and preparation to ring new music, and put ideas into practice by reading and ringing in a group setting through several pieces of newly composed music from major publishing houses and independent composers. Participants will go home with copies of the music reviewed in the workshop!
Note: This workshop will focus on sight reading and score study and will not include overview or instruction on general handbell techniques. Watch our website events for a future fall workshop if you're looking for a focus on handbell techniques and general skill building.